WordPress.com Is Great For Dad The Aspiring Writer

In my last post, I alluded to the challenge of writing. As many parents out there will agree, the kids have a way of taking over daily activities. Blogging and writing in general, is one such activity that can easily take a back seat to junior. This is why I like using WordPress.com.

WordPress.com allows users to create a blog in a quick, simple, and creative way. Just check out Freshly Pressed and some of the thousands of blogs you can find on WordPress.com. Of course if you’re reading this, there is a good chance you’re using WordPress in some form already.

I have not used WordPress.org, but I’m sure for those with a little more time, and some working knowledge of CSS, WordPress.org is the preferred method. For someone like me, I enjoy logging in, and just writing. For me, blogging is the simplest, most raw outlet for writing. Why? Easy, you can just write and within seconds of hitting publish, potentially millions of people can share in your thoughts.

Now, from the dad perspective, the ease of using Wordpress.com allows me to focus on Little A (which he appreciates very much as he babbled to me the other night), and I can focus on the words I write.

This is not to say I don’t enjoy building the blog and trying different widgets. That in of itself is half the fun. Maybe, just maybe, one day I will build up enough courage to strike out on the self-hosting platform. I said maybe. I suspect Little League, soccer, piano lessons and who knows what else…oh yeah, homework, may get in the way.

On a side note, the writing of this post was interrupted by one bath, one bottle, a rather full diaper, 30 seconds of continuous air freshener spray as a result of the rather full diaper, and 45 minutes of convincing a certain five-month-old he needed a nap.

3 thoughts on “WordPress.com Is Great For Dad The Aspiring Writer

  1. Pingback: Changes Coming to WordPress Workshop

  2. Congratulations on keeping up the blog! Persistence is all you need, although I hope your kid didn’t inherit that trait from his father when it comes to napping! 😉

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